Welcome to Luke's world of uncertainties and instabilities...!

I write...
I write that comes to my mind here,
That remains in my mind as memories...
And anything that i feel to write...
Yes, I puke my frustrations here...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Recipe of tonight!

Hey Pani,
Ask me what happened this night when you come some day.
I fought with my brother lately. 
And, dinner was affected for few days because of the cold war.
You know what happened tonight?
I won't tell you.
But, I wish to tell you though you are too far. 
It was an awesome recipe tonight. That's all I would day.
You will be happy to see me winning.
You will find it interesting, my little stories.
But, you are too far... 
All I would say is the recipe was classic. 
Ask me when you come back someday!
You are missing a lot, by the way.
Am I the one missing you?

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